A Five-Day Metaphysical Program for Adults!
Did you ever learn how to shield yourself from negative energy when you were a child? Me neither. Most of us were well into our adulthood when we started exploring tools and techniques that would help us navigate life's challenges. One of the things I've heard from a lot of adults in the past few years is that they wished they had the opportunity to learn some of these life skills when they were kids. And they'd like to learn them now. Well, here's how! Spirit Camp for Adults is where you will learn simple effective metaphysical techniques that will support you in living your best life.

Are you . . .
Wondering how to connect to your intuition?
Interested in metaphysical concepts and don't know where to begin?
Tired of spending money on programs that don't inspire you?
Wanting to reconnect to your authentic self?
Longing for social connections with like-minded people?
Looking for a community to belong to?
How would you like dedicated time to focus on YOU so that you can . . .
Quiet the noise from the outside world and re-find your connection to yourself
Get off the hamster wheel of doing and just focus on being
Find simple ways to take care of yourself that you can do every day
Be connected to a community of like-minded, heart-centered people
Feel better and lighter
Experience a smorgasbord of metaphysical tools and techniques to deepen your connection to self, spirit, and the natural world

Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp for Adults will help you expand your metaphysical knowledge in a budget-friendly way!

Would you like to...
Know how to bypass your logical mind and access your inner wisdom to make decisions that are in your highest good?
Learn how to use gemstones and crystals to unblock your energy centers?
Discover how to move past the unconscious thoughts that are preventing you from moving forward in the direction of your dreams?
Have access to inner peace, especially when you're struggling?
Experience a dramatic shift in how you're doing life?
Yes to any of these questions? Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp for Adults is for you!
It's a metaphysical buffet where you can experience & sample a wide variety of concepts in one program.

Module One
creating sacred space
exploring the use of rituals
invoking spiritual support and protection as a daily practice
building community
creating sacred tools that will be used throughout the program, including:
spirit toolbox
sacred pouch
talking stick
Module Two
understanding energy
learn how to cleanse your energy
introduction to chakras and how they impact your wellbeing
using pendulums to check chakras
working with gemstones and crystals to align your chakras
introduction to auras
seeing and sensing auras
making a pair of dowsing rods

Module Three
introduction to shamanic journeying
learning about spirit helpers
meeting your power animal
discovering how to deepen your relationship with your spirit helpers
honoring your power animal
Module Four
meet your internal board of directors
reclaiming your personal power
law of attraction
finding your manifestation mojo
connecting with nature energetically
working with nature spirits

Module Five
creating sacred space in your home
mindful moments
attitude of gratitude
eft (emotional freedom technique)
despacho ceremony
Are you ready to learn how to connect to your intuition, utilize simple tools and techniques to support you when facing challenges, and discover how to partner with spirit helpers as you navigate life?
Dancing Jaguar’s Spirit Camp for Adult's Retreat
The tuition for the Spirit Camp for Adults program is a separate transaction from the accommodations at Ferry Beach Retreat Center. Participants have a variety of lodging options to choose from, including a campground, dorm-style rooms, double rooms, private rooms, and even an apartment.
With such a wide range of choices, participants are encouraged to contact the retreat center directly to make reservations that best suit their comfort and financial preferences. This flexibility allows everyone to select the option that works best for them while attending the retreat.
Contact Ferry Beach directly for your accommodations.
June 18-22, 2025